Sunday, December 25, 2011

Maal Hijrah: The Injection to Excellence

Maal Hijrah: The Injection to Excellence

By: Assoc. Prof Dr. Ab. Aziz Mohd. Zin
At the beginning of the seventh century AD, the world community in the destruction of the door. World power in the century, which consists of the Roman Empire (509SM-453M) and the Empire of Persia (700SM-641M) has fallen sharply as a result of power struggle and split here and there. The Arabs who inhabit the more severe the Arabian Peninsula facing collapse as a result of moral decay and the nature of the tribe and tribal fanaticism.

World in danger because of the unstable community due to loss of faith and moral pillars. Allah is Just and Merciful for not allowing human society continues to disintegrate and destroyed. God sent a messenger to him the last of the Prophet Muhammad

In that event, retrospective, Allah explains in his word, which means:'And hold fast to the Rope of Allah (Islam) and not divided among yourselves, and remember the favor of Allah on you when you against each other (while ignorance first) then He united your hearts (to you together with the blessing of Islam), then you would be with the grace of Allah that the Muslims are brothers. You are first on the brink of an abyss of fire (because of sin) and He saved you from it (through Islam). Thus does Allah make clear to you the revelations of his that you may receive His guidance '(Ali 'Imran: 103)

These other verses explain that the human condition which is almost worthless folk and will receive more negative consequences in the hereafter have been saved through the dispatch messengers to guide them on the way and eventually they survived. In order to change society so that are safe, the Messenger of struggling to sacrifice all that is and was followed by his Companions faithful. In the past 23 years, is poured out by his efforts and finally achieve the goal of successful change and save the world from destruction and damage.

In a hadith narrated by Muslim, Allah's comparisons of his work, which means:'Between you and me thought of as a man who lit the fire. Then came all the birds and small animals that fly and fell into it, while the man was trying to keep things from falling into it. I firmly hold your waistband so as not to fall into the fire, while you escape from the principle. '

This hadith describes the human condition that leads to destruction, while they do not know. While Allah's will make every effort to save them to escape from the destruction. Finally, the Muslim community in the Arabian Peninsula has been able to challenge the power of the world, Rome and Persia subsequently emerged after that as a society that took over the world.

Prophet and his Companions, may Allah be able to change society in terms of beliefs, attitudes, morals, ways of thinking and everything else, including changes to the sacrifice of human focused to focus on God. Human society successfully transferred from the two conditions is very much difference.

In following the development of history, after the success of the first time the Muslim community through the ups and downs in the turbulent world stage and it is closely related to their commitment to the sacred religion of Islam. Era last kemalapan Muslims occurred in the early 20th century. Since the fall of the Ottoman Caliphate in Turkey in 1924, the Muslim community increasingly precarious in the world arena. Now the era of the Muslim community into the overall weakness and collapse. Islamic society fragmented by region and country, into a society that constantly challenged and insulted in any. By the 21st century, the Muslim community diganyang everywhere like in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Palestine, Kosovo and around the world. What is happening now clear as told in a hadith narrated by Abu Dawud, which means:

'Almost all the people surrounding you, as the hungry people around their meals.' Some people ask, 'Is it because our numbers less?' The Prophet replied: 'Number you at that time but as many bubbles. Allah has deprived the heart of your enemy push upon you, and put al-WAHN feelings in your hearts. ' Some people ask: 'What is al-WAHN the Messenger of Allah?' He replied: 'Love of this world and hate death.'

This hadith clearly shows that until such time as the Muslims is like a meal that is surrounded by a group of greedy hungry people eat. No fear in the hearts of the slightest feeling of non-Muslims to do whatever it liked for Muslims because they are very weak.There are a variety of answers when you ask the current weakness of the Muslim community. Some believe it stems from political weakness and disunity among the Muslim community.Some believe that economic weakness, the weakness of education and attainment of knowledge or because of shortcomings in the achievement of science and technology.Some people give a reason for the lack of religion or for religious disobedience and many others.

However, based on the hadith above, clearly shows that the reason is the loss of the weakness of the Muslim community in the spirit of sacrifice from them. Muslims are not willing to sacrifice to not love the world or to sacrifice to not fear death.They love the world that are willing to choose to ignore the importance of religion. They also fear of death upon demand by up fighting for the truth of religion. These negative characteristics that affect Muslims.

BROKEN spirit AH requires all Muslims to sacrifice to move from the negative form in themselves to positive forms in accordance with Islam. Sacrifice or jihad be infused in the soul of the Muslim community either in terms of meaning and attitude.

The Muslim community is quite far away from the path of religion.For example, while religion demands that its followers to seek knowledge, but a reality that is, until now most of the Muslim community is illiterate. Islam also requires Muslims united. But the reality is now the most numerous people of Islam is divided. So too, Islam requires its followers to be hard work, discipline and care for some time, but the Islam that is less work, not regulatory, and like to waste time.

If you look to the policies of Islam itself, an opportunity for Muslims to develop and manners in today's world is very bright. This is because Muslims have sufficient assets in order to book the progress of encouragement from the teachings of Islam and material assets.

Assets of encouragement and motivation of this religion can be seen clearly where Islam is concerned with knowledge and incumbent upon all Muslims to seek knowledge. Religion also demands Muslims always build the strength and glory. This prompted a strong duty of Muslims to strive for power at all times and when. Islamic teachings also very concerned about the sound of life and moral virtue. Mewajipkan Islamic followers living activities with integrity, sincerity and trust.

Therefore, such incentives are important and a large capital to the Muslim community in restoring the greatness and glory of the golden age of Muslims.

In addition, Muslims have a great asset and the main material that is not owned by the kuffar. Petroleum, natural gas, minerals, water resources, forest products, food, the number of and more is a source of strength for people who have always been sought-after materials and exploitation by the kuffar. With these assets and there is little adequate benefit the Muslim community into a strong and vibrant community as it was minted at one time.

Transfer of the Prophet and his Companions, may Allah from Mecca to Medina and before the transfer of some companions from Mecca to Abyssinia, is the construction of new measures in preparation for the imminent challenges continuously.

AH was no stranger to Islam and it is part of Islam. AH because the pursuit of knowledge, truth, striving, preaching, earn a living, for business and many more is the demand of migrant and basic teachings of Islam itself.

To continue to progress and achieve the dignity, the Muslim community can not sit back and just submit to fate. The Muslims had already fought in a fierce, so that is why they managed to put Islam in a noble and proper. Now it's our contribution to this holy religion so that it continues to grow and be respected. Indeed, the earth and all that is in it belongs Muslims. In the hands of Islam for that matter it should be administered. S.w.t the meaning of God's Word:

'And verily, We have written the books that we sent down there after his writings on the decrees, that the earth will be inherited by My servants the righteous'(Al-Anbiya ': 105)
Verse to explain to the Muslims of their right to inherit land administration, but on condition that they are comprised of a group of good people. If the condition does expire, then they are not entitled to much less deserve.

To escape from the shackles of weakness and humiliation, then Muslims have to look at migration in a wide sense of self changes lead to greatness in the world and the hereafter. For that, the measures to be set must contain a clear understanding of the work order and correct.

Changes to the advancement and glory of community starts with filling the understanding that Islam is a grand and glorious it is clear who are the followers of the great and noble. But it can only be achieved through spiritual strength, moral, physical, and creativity as well as the unity of Muslims themselves.
The Muslim community must also understand that all knowledge is good and beneficial to humans are included in the preferred and knowledge required by Islam. Therefore, the pursuit of knowledge is a duty of useful and ignore those counts. Society also needs to understand that they are the rightful heirs to the leadership of this planet. Without the guidance and the guidance of life from the Lord of hosts, possible other people claiming partners eligible govern the earth God created him.

In addition to understanding some of the work should also be organized by the Muslim community for the advancement and glory of Islam that is going into a variety of research and discovery of more potent than other communities, as long as it is beneficial and does not conflict with the bounds of Islamic law.
The Muslim community has to move and work freely bound by the shackles of narrow thinking and loss. And also need to turn on and the spirit of jihad, hard and make sacrifices to achieve the noble ideals which coincided with Islam. Muslims inevitably strengthen the pillars of strength of faith consisting of strength, physical and material. They also need to enhance efforts to create a good and balanced spiritually and physically because it inherited the leadership of the conditions of this earth.

The Muslim community is growing increasingly dim and your strength shall not be allowed to remain in this condition. Muslim community, in fact, have assets and strengths that need to be mobilized and utilized for the advancement and glory of the people. We are able to do so if we want to because supply is available. If the early generations of Muslims can do it why we can not. Indeed BROKEN AH is the most appropriate starting point in that direction.

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