Sunday, February 26, 2012

Do not Associate Bombs with Islamic School

Do not Associate Bombs with Islamic School
Nurul caregivers Hadid Boarding School, Village Winduhaji, District Sedong, Cirebon, deplored the-hook parties ponpes associate with a number of acts of terrorism that occurred in the country.
"Efforts to link the boarding school with Muhammad Sharif Nurul Hadid and the problem of terrorism is an unreasonable effort and diada invented by those who are not responsible for reaping huge benefits behind the spread of the issue," said Nurul Hadid Boarding Caregiver Ustaz Sutisna Yusuf, was quoted as saying Hidayatullah . of Republika Online, Tuesday (19/4) then.
Joseph also denied reports in the National News Agency Antara to mention if Salik Firdaus (one of the Bali bombers II) could be the students for two months there before performing the action.
"Salik Firdaus had indeed been active in schools, but the term did service as a public servant, the bulletin circulated propaganda magazine, there is no other function, time to clear for a while. After that he went. And two years later occurred BB II," explains Joseph.
He said he regretted the circulation of information can be tilted to make people interpret that Nurul Hadid Boarding been associated with a range of actors / bombings.
He called on all parties not to make assumptions that are not good for boarding the impact will impact on the Muslims.
"So far, there are those who seemed to assume Ponpes Nurul Hadid is always associated with acts of terrorism. Clearly this is detrimental to us and the Muslims," ​​said Yusuf.
He called on all parties not to malign and Boarding linked with terrorism issues.
"Pity the nation is worse off, if the continuous systematically situated away from schools, the clergy and religious teacher-cleric who tried to educate the next generation of this nation," added Joseph.

Bojonegoro forbade clerics Suicide
The scholars in Bojonegoro, East Java in a way agreed to declare jihad suicide bombing is considered unlawful. The attitude of religious leaders, the guidelines will be made in the form of a book to be distributed mosque, boarding school and study forums.
"Suicide bombing clearly unlawful," said Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council Bojonegoro, KH Djauhari Hasan, Bojonegoro district police office, quoted by Tempo Online, Wednesday (20/4).
The attitude of the clergy was revealed in the show silaturrahmi and dialogue between the Police Bojonegoro Indonesia Council of Ulama, Muhammadiyah, NU, a boarding lodges Bojonegoro afternoon. This forum will be expanded and include about 230 boarding schools spread over 27 districts in Bojonegoro.
Cases of suicide bombing in a mosque in Al Dzikra Cirebon Police Office Complex, West Java, said Djauhari, jihad is wrong and out of place. Therefore, the obvious culprit injure and even kill people.Moreover, the act was done in the mosque, which Muslims used to perform the ritual prayers. From any vantage point, kill and destroy places of worship, is not justified in Islam.
One imam at Masjid Jami 'Square Bojonegoro also said that the attitude of the scholars has been in accordance with the fatwas Ulama Council Centre, the fatwa to jihad suicide. "So, we are scholars in the district, being the same," he explained.
Same opinion is also Chairman of the Forum for Religious expressed Bojonegoro, KH Fathul Huda. He states, let alone in the mosque, perform acts of suicide bombing in church too, is considered haram. For, although the non-Muslim communities, it also acts inappropriately. The reason, Islam forbids suicide.
"Stay forbidden, although suicide bombings in the church," said Al Rosyid Caregiver boarding school, Ngumpak Dalem, Danderini.
That means more alumni Gontor Ponorogo Boarding School, the same mean, that Muslims have great respect for religious tolerance.More specifically again, Islam as a religion that Rahmatan lil'alamin Religion is for the welfare of all mankind.

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